
dimanche 14 octobre 2018

TRIZ and Intellectual Property to strengthen the start-up spirit

Here is the abstract of the presentation we will do during TFC2018

Authors: Pascal Sire, Eric Prevost, Yves Guillou, Alain Riwan and Pierre Saulais

Keywords: Innovation design, intellectual property, start-up, TRIZ

How can start-ups benefit from business innovation good practices while enforcing the link between invention, innovation and intellectual property (IP) to contribute to this vital discussion for the survival of our industries? Some experts of the TRIZ France association drawn from their practical experiences, a path to illustrate the methodological and practical contributions of the Theory for inventive problem solving (TRIZ). This illustration highlights a specific focus on businesses where the "start-up spirit" facilitates ideation and accelerates the production of innovative products and services. 

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