
dimanche 14 octobre 2018

xPERT-O, a collaborative tool to enlighten key challenges in a complex situation

This is the abstract of the presentation we will do during TFC2018.

Authors: Xavier Lepot, Axel Neveux, Stéphane Badts, Yves Guillou, Séverine Baudrux and Nadia Lelandais

Keywords: Interactive web tool, Co-construction, directed network, Centrality algorithm, Virtual reality

Therefore, we developed xPERT-O, an interactive webtool to analyze situations on a collaborative frame. Principle is simple: challenges harvested during the analysis are introduced by participants in the form of documented nodes logically linked in cause-and-effect relationships. 2017-award winning xPERT-O allows more than 40 people, not necessary located at same place, to simultaneously collaborate on case studies and build directed networks by applying simple heuristics. Centrality algorithms help to determine which nodes have the greatest impact. By using multiple filtering /sorting possibilities, the network is made clearly understandable by human eye. A 3D Virtual Reality mode is currently developed to better explore complex situations and pin up key issues.

TRIZ and Intellectual Property to strengthen the start-up spirit

Here is the abstract of the presentation we will do during TFC2018

Authors: Pascal Sire, Eric Prevost, Yves Guillou, Alain Riwan and Pierre Saulais

Keywords: Innovation design, intellectual property, start-up, TRIZ

How can start-ups benefit from business innovation good practices while enforcing the link between invention, innovation and intellectual property (IP) to contribute to this vital discussion for the survival of our industries? Some experts of the TRIZ France association drawn from their practical experiences, a path to illustrate the methodological and practical contributions of the Theory for inventive problem solving (TRIZ). This illustration highlights a specific focus on businesses where the "start-up spirit" facilitates ideation and accelerates the production of innovative products and services. 

dimanche 23 septembre 2018

Behind one innovation may be many others...

Let's take a quick look at the evolution of the roofer's soldering iron. While this iconic product, which is over 20 years old, has been redesigned a number of times, it has undergone no radical changes.

vendredi 21 septembre 2018

Une innovation peut en cacher bien d'autres...

Penchons-nous un instant sur l’évolution d’un fer de couvreur. Ni relooking ni changement radical pour ce produit iconique de plus de 20 ans d’âge et dont le design a été plus d’une fois remanié.

Photo DR - © Guilbert Express 2018

mercredi 19 septembre 2018

20% sinon rien

J'ai l'habitude de dire, lorsque l'on  travaille sur une résolution de problème: 20% sinon rien.
Alors, on pourrait penser à un management de type exigeant à la "fond de pension". J'en connais de très proches, et ce n'est pas du tout ce que je veux développer ici.

samedi 6 janvier 2018

TRIZ et Propriété Intellectuelle pour renforcer l’esprit start-up

Je partage avec vous cet article qui vient d'être publié sur OpenScience.
Tout est dans le titre :-)